Preparing for JEE or NEET ? Tips on how not to let Procrastination come in between your Goal

Preparing For JEE or NEET ? Tips on how not to let Procrastination come in between your Goal

Procrastination is a feeling that we have all experienced at some time or the other. It is one of the major factors that stops you from achieving your goal. People usually procrastinate about things they do not enjoy doing or something that is unpleasant. At times, it is just because they are bored of the usual monotonous routine. Procrastination can take a person miles away from his desired goal, especially if it is a student preparing for the CBSE GSEB or ICSE Boards or any other entrance exams like JEE NEET BITSAT etc. But this does not mean you give up. We have brought to you some tips on how to avoid procrastination.

Accept that you are Procrastinating

The first step in trying to solve the problem is acceptance and identification of the problem. In the same way, the first step in avoiding procrastination is to recognize and accept the fact that you are procrastinating. There might be times when you have to put off a task because something else equally important has come back and it needs your immediate attention. That does not mean you are procrastinating. It would be procrastination only if you are continually putting off the task for days together. You also need to identify the reason why you are procrastinating. If you know the reason, it automatically becomes easier to avoid it.

Forgive Yourself

You might have been procrastinating in the past and feel guilty about it. The best way to go ahead with your task is to forgive yourself for all the previous times that you have avoided doing something. This will help in developing a positive image of the self and avoiding procrastination in future.

Commit to the Task

Commit to the task while preparing for JEE or NEET

Make sure that you are totally committed to the task in hand. Prepare a time schedule and a checklist so that you know when and at what time you are expected to be done with a particular task.

Use Rewards

Positive reinforcement always works wonders. If you promise yourself small rewards along the way, it will definitely keep you on the track. The reward, however small it might be, will provide motivation to complete the task. The reward could be a favourite distraction or even a favourite snack.

Worst First

There are certain tasks that students tend to avoid. These tasks are associated with subjects they don’t like or find difficult. It is advisable to tackle such subjects in your peak hours. The peak hours are different for every student. Some might be more productive in the morning whereas others might prefer the night hours.

Get Rid of the Distractions

Preparing for JEE or NEEET- Get rid of the distractions

The common distractions like the smart phones and internet are what keep you away from the task in hand. Keeping these distractions away while studying will help you avoid procrastination to a major extent. Avoiding procrastination will definitely take you to your desired goal of CBSE GSEB or ICSE Boards or any other entrance exams like JEE NEET BITSAT etc. Follow the tips given in this blog and see the difference in your result.