How Can Students Concentrate on their Studies

How Can Students Concentrate on their Studies?

Why do you want to focus on something?

You are not concerned with focus; you are only interested in achieving the best outcomes possible. This begins with student life,  this is the time when everyone is talking about concentration, and they lack it! All of your attention vanishes, especially during exam time. If you go to the movies, you are completely concentrated; if you sit with a textbook, your mind is completely diverted, flying in a hundred different directions.

If you concentrate too hard, you will become like a concentration camp.

You will experience pain. Why do you want to make life a struggle instead of a comfortable experience? If you lie down on your bed and read a novel – a love tale or a suspense thriller – you will notice that you read at a rate of 70-80 pages per hour yet remember every word. If the exams are based on these books, you already know where you stand. But why is there such a fight with the other book? The textbook was written for people of average intelligence; it is a universal prescription for everyone. It is never written in such a way that only the most clever people can comprehend it.  So it is not the question of your capability, it is just the question of your involvement.

First and foremost, you are uninterested in educating yourself. You are only schooling yourself because it will provide you with money, survival, and so many other things that you desire. If you read this textbook with the same zeal that you would a suspense novel, you will find that you remember every word. All you have to do is fall in love with it.

Nobody needs to urge you to focus on something you’re in love with.

Love your studies - Student life and concentration for studies

Is it necessary to inform you that if you fall in love with something, you should focus on that thing or target? You are always concentrated. The path of study is simple: fall in love with something greater than yourself like your target or goal. Otherwise, why bother learning it?

It is unfortunate if you are only learning for survival. If you are young and worried about how to make money, you are wasting your life. That is the most stupid thing you have ever done in your life. When you have a wife, a child, and some foolishness, you need money; without it, you can’t function. That is distinct. But, at the at least, when you are young, consider how to accomplish the finest thing you can in this world. It’s great if you can live like that your entire life, but at the very least, think of something bigger than yourself when you’re young.

Consider accomplishing something lovely rather than just surviving.

Even if you don’t do it, just thinking about it boosts you. If a thousand individuals consider it, at least ten will do it. You will become more and more of a coward as you age. You’ll call it caution, but you’re really scared of life. At least when you’re young, you can dare to do something that may not be safe, but is lovely for you and those around you. You must constantly be young throughout your life. Don’t think of “young” as fifteen or eighteen years old. After all you will die very young – 50, 60, 70, 100 or 160 years, is still very young compared to the existence. It is just a few years.

Please don’t always think in terms of survival. That is why you are having difficulty grasping what you want to do – not due to a lack of concentration. The issue is that you haven’t fallen in love with what you’re doing. Should you be told to concentrate if you genuinely enjoy what you’re doing? Your thoughts are always drawn to it.

Let this blog content sink in. Read it once every week and ponder over the subtle ideas shared here. We are sure you will have a great future.