Ways to Avoid Distractions By Students While Studying For Competitive Exams

Ways to Avoid Distractions By Students While Studying

Competition in various scholastic exam like JEE, NEET, KVPY, Olympiad, GUJCET, NTSE etc. has increased manifold over the years. Hard work is still the key to success but along with hard work, it is smart work that matters. More than spending a lot of time studying where you are disturbed by a lot distractions, it is better to spend less time but with more concentration and less distractions. Unfortunately, nowadays there are many things that cause distractions to students. Here are a few tips that will help you avoid distractions and get better grades.

Work according to a proper schedule

While studying, students need to juggle between multiple deadlines, assignments and examinations. In such cases, they need to make a proper schedule or timetable as per their deadlines. They need to prioritize and work as per the schedule. Without a well-organized schedule, you may end up getting distracted by the other deadlines and assignments while working on one.

Keep the phone away

The cell phone causes maximum distractions while studying. Even if you do not attend to any calls during your study time, the constant notifications and text or WhatsApp messages are a major source of distraction. It is better to either hand over your phone to the elders in the family while studying or keep it in a cupboard or drawer.

Use Headphones

It may not always be possible to have a noise free area to study. The use of noise cancelling headphones will help you to concentrate on your studies by making you immune to the noise around you.

Choose the Right Spot

Every individual has his or her own favourite or comfortable spot to study. For some, it could be the desk in their bedroom, for some it may be the balcony or the terrace. The spot you choose must have proper lighting so as not to strain your eyes.

Keep the Desk Clear

In case you are working at your desk, make sure that it is not cluttered. Just keep the books you need. Unnecessary clutter is definitely not the right environment to study in and leads to distractions.

Take Breaks when needed

Studying for a long time leads to a saturation point after a few hours. Even if you force yourself to continue studying after that, it is not going to be any use. You will not be able to grasp what you are studying. It will just be a waste of time. Instead, it is better to take breaks at saturation points and come back rejuvenated.

Take enough sleep

However large your syllabus may be, a proper sleep is very essential if you want to make the most of your study time. Sleep deprivation not only hinders your levels of concentration and grasping power, but also affects your health. With proper sleep, you will be able to understand better and remember for a longer time.

Never Study on an empty stomach

Hunger is another distraction that cause lack of concentration. Your hunger pangs will not let you concentrate and focus and your trips to the kitchen and refrigerator will increase. Even if you are not hungry, it is advisable to keep some snacks handy so that you don’t have to get up time and again.

Keep these tips in mind and then see the difference in your concentration levels. Obviously when the concentration levels increase, the retention is greater. This will positively affect your grades and you will come out with flying colours.