How should JEE & NEET aspirants manage time efficiently

Tips for JEE and NEET Aspirants on How to Manage Time Efficiently

 Time is the most important resource that a student has in hand. How he or she achieves the goals set depends on how wisely this resource is used. With the competition increasing every year, the stress levels of students are also on the rise. All these years, people have been relying on hard work for success. Yes, definitely hard work is a key element towards success but equally important or rather, more important is smart work. The way students manage time determines how smartly they work. And this is what gives them the winning edge, the extra mile that takes them to their desired goal. Here are a few tips to help students utilize this non-renewable resource – time – in the best possible way.

  1. Make a priority list

The syllabus that a student has to cover for the NEET and JEE exams is so vast that you cannot afford to study in an unplanned, haphazard manner. Especially during revision during last few months, you need to prioritize your tasks in such a manner that the chapters that have maximum weightage are covered first. The topics that take more time should be taken up first. Also prioritize your topics on the basis of how difficult you find them. The topics that you find difficult to understand must be tackled first.

  1. Make a daily check list

You must have long term as well as short term plans for your study pattern. A daily check list must be made the previous night which will be followed the next morning. The check list must be based on your priority list.

  1. Set achievable goals

You need to set daily goals that you will accomplish by the end of the day. The goals that you set should not be so easy that they leave you with a lot of free time neither should they be so unrealistic that you cannot achieve them. That makes one lose confidence in oneself.

  1. Evade distractions

One of the major problems that students face is lack of concentration. In such cases, try to raise your concentration levels day by day. If you are able to concentrate for two hours on the first day, then set two and a half hours as your target for the next day. This can be done by consciously avoiding distractions during your study hours. The internet should be off and the phone must be kept away. For further tips on how to avoid distractions, you can refer to our blog on the same topic.

  1. Keep buffer time

Whenever you are planning your time schedule, make sure you keep aside some buffer time. Do not make a tight, minute-to-minute schedule. At times, you might need more time to understand a concept than you planned. Apart from that, there might be some adverse conditions that you need to handle. Keep aside some time for all these situations.

  1. Take enough breaks

We, as human beings often need breaks from whatever we do on a daily basis. Every student is bound to reach a saturation level at some point or the other. Studying beyond your saturation point is not going to help you at all. You will just end up wasting your time. Instead, take the necessary break for some time by indulging in any of your hobbies for some time. But the break must be short. This will help you come back with a vengeance, fully recharged. Do not take up any addictive activity during the break.

If you follow these tips, you will increase your levels of concentration and you will be able to get more out of the time you invest in your studies. This kind of smart work will ensure that you crack the exams and fulfill your dreams of becoming a doctor or an IITian.