Time Management - Most Important Factor in Cracking Competitive Exams like JEE Main, JEE Advanced, BITSAT, GUJCET, NEET etc.

Time Management – Most Important Factor in Cracking Competitive Exams

Time management is one of the most crucial factors responsible for success in engineering or medical competitive entrance exams like JEE Main, JEE Advanced, BITSAT, NEET or GUJCET etc. Students struggle with trying to maintain a balance between their school, classes and other daily activities. The patterns of both the Board and competitive exams are different therefore the study patterns will also differ. The topics might be the same but the method of study will differ for both. Moreover, in order to maintain the speed and concentration levels over a long period of time, physical exercise and mental health are extremely important. They might take up your time but in the long run they are very beneficial. We bring to you a few tips to help you manage your time effectively in order to crack the competitive exams successfully.


Make a Check-list


You must have a check-list in hand before you start your daily schedule.  The check-list will include the tasks that you need to do during the day. These tasks must be written in a prioritized order, starting from the tasks that are top priority. As you are done with each task, tick it off your list. Every minute task must be listed in the check-list so at any point during the day you know exactly how much you still have to do. Include the physical and relaxation activities as well.


Set Realistic Goals


The goals that you set for yourself in your check-list should be realistic enough so that you can accomplish them successfully. Setting too high a target for yourself will lead to frustration as you will not be able to achieve it. If the goal is too low, it will leave you with a lot of extra time on hand which will be wasted. Achieving the goals that you have set for yourself will also act as confidence booster.


Take necessary breaks


Life is all about uncertainties. You must keep some time aside for contingencies that arise at the last minute. The schedule should not overburden you. Give yourself some time for necessary breaks otherwise you will reach your saturation point and will not be able to comprehend anything that you read. Once you reach your saturation point, do not exert yourself by continuing with your studies. You will just be wasting your time. Regular, short breaks and physical exercise are a must to keep the mind fresh.


Keep away distractions


This techno world is full of distractions waiting to clasp the student in their claws. Smart phones and the internet top the list. It is essential to keep the phones away while studying as it causes major distractions and will upset your schedule. Do some meditation before starting with your studies as it helps maintain the concentration levels. A high and consistent concentration level will help you achieve your daily goal.



Importance of physical and mental health


Maintaining good health is extremely important to be able to manage time efficiently. In order to maintain good physical health, a proper eight hours sleep is necessary. Along with that, a little physical exercise is also required. Not only physical but mental health also plays an important role in time management. Good mental health will keep the stress and anxiety at bay.


Managing time efficiently is not such a difficult task if you keep the points mentioned in this article in mind. So go ahead with your studies in an organized manner, using proper time management skills and you are sure to succeed in engineering or medical competitive entrance exams like JEE Main, JEE Advanced, BITSAT, GUJCET, NEET etc.


Happy Learning !!!