list of techniques that a student must adopt in order to be successful.

Study Techniques to Complement your Entrance Exam Coaching

 Joining the best coaching class is not a guarantee for getting a high rank in the entrance exam. You need to study in a well planned and organized way. Haphazardly picking up any book and studying what you feel like is not going to get you anywhere. You need to work in an organized way. There are certain techniques that successful students use while studying which ensure a fairly high rank in the entrance exams. Here is a list of techniques that a student must adopt in order to be successful.

Get Your Doubts Solved 

It is essential that you have total clarity of the concepts you are studying for entrance examss

It is essential that you have total clarity of the concepts you are studying. This can only happen when you get all your doubts solved. Do not hesitate to ask questions. You are the one who will suffer if you don’t ask questions. Note down the doubts that crop up while you study. Keep one day reserved specially for doubt clarification so that you ask your doubts to the respective faculties on a weekly basis.

Prepare A Realistic Time-Table

The time table you make and follow for your study schedule must be realistic. T

The time table you make and follow for your study schedule must be realistic. Too much pressure ona single day will leave you frustrated if you cannot complete the scheduled content. On the other hand, if you schedule too less for a particular day, you will have extra time in your hand and it is as good as studying without a time-table because you will either waste the time or study something unplanned.

Study In An Applied Manner

The entrance exams are totally based on application of the concepts studied. In order to apply the concepts, you must have absolute concept clarity. The best way to do this is to go from the simple to the complicated. Master the basic concepts first and then go on to the complicated, more difficult ones. This not only makes learning easy but also gives you confidence as you master the easy concepts quickly.

Attempt Regular Practice Tests

Attempting as many mock practice tests as possible will help you get the real feel of the examination environment.

Attempting as many mock practice tests as possible will help you get the real feel of the examination environment. Solving previous years papers in a time-controlled environment also helps develop time management skills in a student. You will also get a fair idea of the kind of questions asked in the exam. Practice also helps you develop speed while answering questions, a skill necessarily required in entrance exams.

Keep Healthy

In order to achieve anything in life, you must have a healthy mind and body.

In order to achieve anything in life, you must have a healthy mind and body. This can be achieved by maintaining healthy food habits. Keep yourself hydrated at all times by drinking enough water. Get sufficient sleep as this will help keep your mind calm. Take necessary breaks whenever required. Find time for a little physical exercise as well. This will help keep the mind fresh.

A good coaching institute will ensure that you study in a properly planned way to achieve success. We, at ISH make sure that a student attempts maximum number of test papers before the final exam. We also have special one-to-one doubt solving sessions for students throughout the year. The right coaching institute along with the right approach to studies will surely take you to the pinnacle of success.