Emerging Careers For Science Students

Emerging Careers for Science Students in Class 11 and 12

Do you remember a time before you had a smartphone? What about food delivery apps like Zomato or Swiggy? What if you couldn’t get a cab (Ola/Uber)? Science and technology have made great progress in making our lives easier and faster, which would have been unthinkable just 4-5 years ago.

When I ask a typical Indian parent about science occupations, the first careers that come to mind are Engineering, Medicine, Architecture, and so on. With the rapid breakthroughs in science and technology, it is only logical that job opportunities in this field evolve as well.

Here is a list of emerging career options in sciences that are highly promising.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

You’ve probably heard the keywords ‘Artificial Intelligence’ and ‘Machine Learning’ thrown around in today’s computer-driven world.

But what exactly are they? Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science concerned with the development of intelligent computers and systems capable of thinking and processing information in the same way as humans do.

Machine Learning

For example, voice recognition systems like Siri and Alexa employ machine learning to interpret and respond intelligently to human language. Consider Facebook, which, using its algorithms, detects recognized faces from your contact list and gives correct suggestions for tagging your pals.

Each of the services you use on a daily basis, from Google Search to Netflix to Uber, uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to create quicker, more effective, and more personalized technology. Artificial intelligence (AI) was expected to have created over 2.3 million job possibilities by 2020, according to a Gartner analysis. As a result, this is one of the most rapidly developing fields in science and technology.

Course of Study: A bachelor’s degree in computer science is necessary, followed by a master’s degree in machine learning, computer science, or mathematics.

Big Data, Data Analytics and Data Science

“Data is growing faster than ever before and by the year 2020, about 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created every second for every human being on the planet.” (Source: Forbes).

The purchases you make at an online store, the types of Instagram accounts you follow, and the terms you search on Google are all examples of data. Organizations value this data because it aids in the understanding of patterns and trends, as well as the making of business decisions based on the data’s inferences. To develop better product recommendations, online shopping businesses, for example, collect data from thousands of customers.

Data Analytics and Data Science

To enable decision-making, Data Scientists, Big Data Engineers, Data Analysts, and Data Managers are needed to make sense of this data and detect patterns in it. Data Scientists and Big Data Engineers were listed among the top emerging careers by LinkedIn in a 2017 research.

Course of Study:  A bachelor’s degree in computer science (B.Tech/B.Sc/BCA) will enable you to learn programming languages like Python, Java, Perl, and others. Certifications in Business Analytics and Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Data Science are also available.

Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security

In 2017, the food and restaurant app Zomato was hacked, and the personal information of 17 million users was stolen. The passwords and personal information of about 68 million Dropbox users were discovered to be circulating on the Internet in 2016.

Businesses are more vulnerable to cybersecurity risks than ever before as they go digital. As a result, Ethical Hacking is without a doubt one of the most difficult jobs in today’s globe. Ethical hackers are computer and network experts who try to get into a company’s security system in order to find flaws. They are critical in assisting businesses in enhancing their Internet security.

Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security

The cybersecurity sector in the United States is expected to grow by 28% by 2026, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Organizations large and small in India are also vulnerable to cyber threats, and ethical hackers are used to protect their data.

Course of Study:  It’s best if you have some computer experience. After that, you can enrol in CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker), CHF (Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator), and CSA (Certified Security Analyst) certification courses.



What is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of the distant future, say 10, 20, or even 50 years from now? You’re likely to answer ‘Robots’ even if you’ve never seen a single sci-fi film in your life. Robots, on the other hand, do not exist in the distant future and are very much a part of our current environment. Robots are already doing surgery, automating industrial activities, exploring space, defusing explosives, and performing duties that are too dangerous for humans.

Not only that, but technological breakthroughs have enabled us to create humanoid robots that can walk, talk, and exhibit emotions in the same way that we do (the latest example being the humanoid, Sophia). In a single year, Google (Alphabet Inc.) acquired eight American and Japanese robotics companies, indicating that this is where the future of technology resides.


Engineers are needed to design and programme robots because the field of robotics is moving at such a fast pace. Mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, computer programmers, artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, and other related fields are required of robotics engineers.

Course of Study:  A B.Tech in Mechanical/Electronics/Robotics Engineering can be followed by a Master’s and/or M.Tech programme in Robotics for those who are interested in this subject.


Have you ever gotten a rush from seeing a jet fly past or a satellite/rocket launch on TV? You may have wished to pursue a career in this field since you first saw planes, rockets, and satellites as a child. What if I told you it’s not too far off the mark? Aerospace refers to the design, manufacture, and operation of aerospace vehicles, aircraft, missiles, and space satellites.

As a professional in this field, you’ll be responsible for various aspects such as design, technical, electrical, and software aspects for building missiles, aircraft, space shuttles, rockets, and other aerospace machines, ranging from Aeronautics (dealing with aeroplanes) to Astronautics (dealing with space vehicles).


The Indian aircraft industry has become one of the world’s fastest expanding industries. Recent advancements by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), and other commercial firms point to a bright future for the aerospace sector.

Course of Study:  To work in this sector, you must have a B.Tech/B.E. in Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, or Aerospace Engineering.


Food and Agriculture Science

Food is one of the most important aspects of living on Earth, especially in a country like India where agriculture is the primary source of income. Agriculture in India still contributes for around 18% of the country’s GDP and plays a critical role in both domestic and international trade. As a result, it’s safe to say that anyone interested in pursuing a career in agriculture will find a plethora of options.

Contrary to popular belief, food and agriculture is a technologically complex field with cutting-edge research and ongoing advancements, rather than a field of ploughing fields or farming. Agricultural Biotechnology, Horticulture, Dairy Technology, Agronomy, Food Technology, and Pisciculture are just a few of the fields in which you might pursue a career in this rapidly expanding stream.

Food And Agriculture Science

Food and agricultural scientists are working to increase the quality and quantity of crops, dairy products, agricultural products, and eating habits. As a result, it necessitates a significant commitment to experimenting with and assessing food production, preservation techniques, and soil and crop research.

Course of Study:  A bachelor’s or master’s degree in Agriculture, Horticulture, Agronomy, or any of the sub-fields of agriculture is required to pursue a career in this sector. A B.Tech and M.Tech in Agricultural Engineering are other options.


Environmental Science and Sustainable Development

Anyone who lives in a big city or watches the news knows about the recent haze in Delhi, which led to the proclamation of a “public health emergency.” According to the World Health Organization, nearly 2.5 million Indians die each year as a result of pollution. With so many worrisome stories about environmental difficulties, global warming, and decreasing natural resources hitting the news every day, it’s not a leap to say that if correct environmental measures are not taken, we may face major risks in the near future.

Environmental Science and Sustainable Development

Environmental Sustainability Science is a discipline of science that takes a quantitative and integrative approach to studying environmental processes. Environmental experts research environmental concerns to find solutions to prevent environmental damage and manage growth in a way that does not jeopardize future generations’ ability to meet their requirements. Professionals with the ability to develop plans to protect natural resources and the environment are in high demand.

Course of Study:  A bachelor’s degree in environmental management or science, followed by a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering and a master’s degree in the discipline, is necessary.

Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

There was a time when losing one’s legs as a result of an accident or sickness meant spending the rest of one’s life in a wheelchair. In today’s world, no way. Walking, running, and even climbing a mountain are all possibilities for amputees thanks to ongoing advances in prosthetics engineering. And this is only one of the bioengineering uses.


Bioengineering is a relatively new engineering profession that applies engineering principles and methods to challenges in biology, medicine, healthcare, and allied sectors. Bioengineering in the real world includes artificial organs, computer simulation for surgery, tissue engineering, medical imaging (such as MRI and CAT scan), engineered microbes, biomaterials, and even wearable technologies (such as fitness tracking bands).

Professionals can experiment and produce cutting-edge medical solutions in this field, which is teeming with potential and innovation.

Course of Study:  To work in this sector, you’ll need a B.Tech or M.Tech in Biomedical Engineering. Please note that in order to be eligible, a PCMB combination of subjects is required in 10+2..


Sports Medicine

Sports have long been treated like a religion in India, with people forgetting to eat, drink, or sleep when immersed in their favourite sport’s universe. It is now being seriously examined as a possible career option as well.

Playing video games isn’t the only way to get into sports, and Sports Medicine is becoming increasingly popular among science students. Professionals in this sector are educated to assist athletes in improving their athletic performance, avoiding injuries while playing, and managing their training and diet. Sports medicine specialists work with adults and teenagers who exercise and are active in various ways, as well as athletes.


Sports Psychologists, Sports Nutritionists, Physical Therapists, Exercise Physiologists and Athletic Trainers are among the professionals who work in Sports Medicine. The scope of Sports Medicine is enormous, and it will only grow in the future as India’s sports culture develops.

Course of Study:  To become a sports medicine doctor, you must first complete an MBBS and then an M.D. in Sports Medicine. An M.Sc in Sports Medicine or an M.A in Sports Psychology are two options for different careers.


The modern world is a disrupted world. We see ground-breaking improvements and transformations with each passing year, month, or even day. The most exciting aspect of this job shift is that it is creating the way for new employment opportunities, many of which did not exist only a few years ago.

So take advantage of the current trends and start a career in one of these new industries!