
Has Medicine and Engineering as a Career Lost its Value?

One of the most important decisions that the students need to make is the choice of a career. The technology boom has resulted in a lot of new fields opening up. If you look at the choices students make today, you will be surprised to see the huge numbers opting for medicine and engineering. Science and technology are the two main pillars supporting the world today. Medicine and engineering will continue to rule the roost as far as career choice is concerned.

Why do students choose medicine?

Healthcare is a very important part of human life. As long as there is human population on this Earth, the need for medical facilities will continue. With the population constantly on the rise, the need for medical professionals has increased manifold. Along with the old streams like cardiology, there are other new fields coming up like medical perfusionist.

Why do students choose medicine

Most of the Indian population lives in the rural areas where medical facilities are sadly lacking. There are no dispensaries or health care centres even in the case of emergencies. People have to travel long distances when they need medical help. The lack of medical health facilities and dearth of doctors in the rural areas makes it extremely important that more and more students opt for the medical profession. It is a profession that will always be in demand as long as the planet is inhabited by human beings. Moreover, with an increase in chronic ailments and pandemics, the need for medical professionals is on the rise. The career options in the field of medicine are many. There are many job opportunities in well-known private and government organisations. You could even open up your own practice.

Why do students choose engineering?

Now let us take a look at the engineering field. Has it lost its value? Definitely not! The engineering field has a vast variety of streams to choose from. It is engineering that has helped the civilization advance to the stage we are in today. Today, we have a total of 23 IITs all over India, the last 6 having been added recently to accommodate the rising number of applicants every year. Apart from the top notch IITs, a number of private institutions have mushroomed all over the country. This takes care of the increasing number of students opting for the engineering field every year. Engineers have a promising career ahead after the completion of their degree. Many of the top-notch companies conduct on campus interviews for students. A huge percentage of students are absorbed through these campus interviews. Many of the students also opt for the government organisations which are providing more and more facilities with every passing year. The seventh pay commission has done wonders for the government employees.


With the growth in population, the needs and desires of people have also grown. Machines help people by making their tasks easy. As long as they continue doing so, engineering can never lose its sheen as it touches almost every part of our lives.

In conclusion, engineering and medicine are professions that can never go out of fashion. They are and will always remain the most sought-after professions by science students for the high-profile job opportunities they offer.